Home / 4670 Assembly Way Burnaby Listing History / 4903 4670 ASSEMBLY Way, Burnaby: $628,000

4903 4670 ASSEMBLY Way, Burnaby: $628,000

Residential Attached. Listed at $628,000. Bedrooms: 1. Bathrooms: 1.0. Total area: 510 sq. ft.. Right at the heart of Metrotown shopping center, close to everything. Unparalleled 180 degree, Southwest views! Developed by Anthem Properties & Beedie Living, this junior one bedroom a well appointed floor plan, outfitted with European appliances, gas stove, floor to ceiling windows. Includes 1 parking stall and 1 storage locker. First class amenities include fitness centre, large party room and guest suite. First Open Sat Mar 8 1:30-4:30; Sun Mar 9 2-4

Listing broker: Multiple Realty Ltd.
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