Home / Burnaby Events & Programs 本那比社区活动 / Burnaby Climate Emergency: Action Cafe [CANCELLED]

Burnaby Climate Emergency: Action Cafe [CANCELLED]


Event Type:



Fri, 04/03/2020 – 18:30 to 20:30
Friday, April 3

Join us for a lively panel discussion on the climate emergency, followed by a public dialogue on how we can take action as a community.

Join us for a lively panel discussion on the climate emergency, followed by a public dialogue on how we can take action as a community. Panelists and topics include:

Taco Niet, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering, SFU: How the interactions between sectors (Climate, Land, Energy, Water) need to be appreciated to be able to address the climate emergency without creating other emergencies. 

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