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Burnaby Public Library 本拿比图书馆


本拿比公共图书馆或BPL是一个公共图书馆,为本拿比,不列颠哥伦比亚省和周边的低陆平原提供服务。根据2019 – 2022年的战略计划,BPL的目标是“让社区参与并分享故事,想法和信息。” BPL通过其四个分支机构以及在线和社区外展提供对信息服务和图书馆馆藏的访问。

地址: 6100 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 4N5

Burnaby Public Library provides access to a rich array of the world’s stories, ideas and information. Our vision is a vibrant community where all people are informed, literate and entertained. The Library is guided and governed by the Burnaby Public Library Board, made up of nine trustees: eight citizen representatives appointed by City Council and one Councillor acting as liaison.

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