Choosing an e-book reader

Considering an e-reader for yourself or someone else? Before you make your purchase, it might be helpful to know which devices are library e-book friendly, and which are not.

Dedicated e-readers

Most of Burnaby Public Library’s e-book collection is available through OverDrive/LibraryToGo. OverDrive maintains a list of library e-book friendly e-readers on their website. Most e-readers use e-ink technology, which is easy on the eyes and allows you to read even in bright sunlight. Some e-readers have illuminated displays that allow you to read at night, without a lamp. Please note that Kindle e-readers are NOT library e-book friendly with OverDrive in Canada.

Tablets and smartphones

Tablets (including iPads, Android tablets and Kindle Fire tablets) and smartphones are also library e-book friendly. Tablets and smartphones have full-colour backlit displays, and allow you to browse the web, check email, play games and more. The Libby app allows you to search for, download and read library e-books from OverDrive directly on your tablet or smartphone. Get the Libby app for: Android | iPhone and iPad | Windows 10

For more on devices that are library e-book friendly, see OverDrive’s list of e-book devices. To access additional library resources on your tablet or smartphone, visit our Mobile and apps page.

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