Home / Burnaby Events & Programs 本那比社区活动 / Family Night: Stuffie Sleepover [CANCELLED]

Family Night: Stuffie Sleepover [CANCELLED]


Event Type:



Thu, 03/19/2020 – 18:30 to 20:30
Thursday, March 19

Join us for Family Night at McGill Library!

All ages

Bring your favourite stuffie to an evening of swashbuckling pirate stories and activities.
Leave your stuffie at the library for a sleepover and find out in the morning what mischief it got up to!

Featuring drop-in activities, crafts and storytime. Storytime is 7:00pm to 7:30pm

No registration required. Come early, space is limited, caregivers must accompany children under 10 years old.

For more information call: 2299-8955.

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