Home / Burnaby Events & Programs 本那比社区活动 / Introduction to Excel (two sessions) [CANCELLED]

Introduction to Excel (two sessions) [CANCELLED]


Event Type:



Tue, 03/24/2020 – 18:30 to 20:30
Tuesdays, March 24 AND 31 – Must attend both sessions

The first class will teach basic commands and functions of MS Excel: creating a new spreadsheet, entering, deleting and formatting data, sorting information and creating basic formula, plus saving and printing. The second class will teach making a budget, applying multiplication and division formulas, and making a chart or graph from a spreadsheet. Participants are expected to attend both sessions.

Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge is necessary to register.

Please register by phone at: 2522-3971 or in person at the Tommy Douglas Library. 

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