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Tag Archives: 地税

买房避雷! 7千尺地欠税62万卖天价

(图片来源:unsplash @jerroams)

20多年来,多伦多市一直在尝试对一处位于森林山最繁华街区中一块昂贵的土地征收地税,但都没有成功。 对此,城市收税员似乎终于没有耐心了。税务局局长凯西·布伦登(Casey Brendon)本周对媒体表示说,“很有可能将位于森林山道275号的这处房产进行市政税收拍卖。 但问题是他们担心没有买家会愿意收下这块拍卖开价$350万加元,位于一条阴暗的城市巷道旁占地仅7,000平方英尺的空地。

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自住房出售免税 为什么还要申报?

When you sell your principal residence usually you do not have to report the sale on your income tax and benefit return and you do not have to pay tax on any gain from the sale. This is the case if you are eligible for the full income tax exemption (principal residence exemption) ,because the property was your principal residence for every year you owned it.

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列治文旧制下最后的豪宅 税这么低


9431 No. 6 Road,这套房产是在BC省限制农用土地建设豪宅政策出台前的最后一批豪宅,这套房产完工于2018年底。这套在售的列治文房屋,面积22000尺,远看就是一个宫殿。

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